
Hola! Que tal?
Hello, how are you?
Muy Bien Gracias, y usted?
Very well thank you, and you?
Hasta Pronto!
See you soon!
Si, Hasta Manana!
Yes, see you tomorrow!

all in all;

You asked me so where have you been
Let me think now let me see
I stood once where Hitlers feet
had stood when he made his speech
In Nuremburg in thirty eight
When he tried to build the perfect race
He said black man ain't gonna run
Alongside our perfect sons
There was Dallas too, the library
The place they ended Kennedy
We stood where Oswald took his shot
In my opinion there's a bigger plot
Costners back and to the left
The picket fence the better bet
Paris came and summer went
The tunnel's now a flower bed
The famous turf that made Jeff Hurst
The vodka stops to quench my thirst
The Golden Gate stroke Alcatraz
And the fat man failed to get us passes
Jimmys corner in Raging Bull
De Niros jokes and bottled pills
Elvis tales from Mr Woodward
Any Richard Burton if you could
Tourists stare at tourist stops
One more picture one more God
Another top up for a change
It makes you think, it makes you sane
Talking more about yourself
There's a mirror too, have a check
Cheques are always passing through
Some depart but a lot come too
Restaurant talk or pick your teeth
You bite your tongue or chew your meat
Sleep or drink or drink to sleep
And one more week and we will meet
We'll talk of what we haven't done
Since we departed back a month
We argue why we have to shout
All in all it's nice to be out.


Out on the road Dean and Ed Dunkel were playing basketball with Dodie's ball and a bucket nailed on a lamppost. I joined in. Then we turned to feats of athletic prowess. Dean completely amazed me. He had Ed and me hold a bar of iron up to our waists, and just standing there he popped right over it, holding his heels. 'Go ahead, raise it.' We kept raising it till it was chest-high. Still he jumped over it with ease. Then he tried the running broad jump and did at least twenty feet and more. Then I raced him down the road. I can do the hundred in 10:5. He passed me like the wind. As we ran I had a mad vision of Dean running through all of life just like that - his bony face out thrust to life, his arms pumping, his brow sweating, his legs twinkling like Groucho Marx, yelling, 'Yes! Yes, man, you sure can go!' But nobody could go as fast as he could, and that's the truth.

page 116;

When he was gone Dean pointed to the empty piano seat. 'God's empty chair,' he said. On the piano a horn sat; its golden shadow made a strange reflection along the desert caravan painted on the wall behind the drums. God was gone; it was the silence of his departure. It was a rainy night. It was the myth of the rainy night. Dean was popeyed with awe. This madness would lead nowhere. I didn't know what was happening to me, and I suddenly realized it was only the tea that we were smoking; Dean had bought some in New York. It made me think that everything was about to arrive - the moment when you know all and everything is decided forever.


When people ask me how I’m feeling, I never really know what to say. I mean, I’m OK, if that’s what they mean. If it’s a casual ‘how are you?’ then that’s fine, but when it’s your sister or your GP you know they’re asking how your feeling ‘inside’ which I’ve never really understood, like there could be an inside and an outside, whatever. The point is it’s one of those passing questions, and it’s either just nod and smile, or get really deep and start to shout about how shit life really can be. I guess it just depends on when they ask you. I mean if I was hungry and they asked me I’d say ‘I feel pretty hungry.’ If I was tired I’d say I was tired. You get the point. Don’t get me wrong there are times when I do want to shout, but those moments are rare.
I’m on my way to my sisters today. She’s having a few friends over and she thought it would be good for me to come along and mingle. I’m not usually a fan of these type of things but if I refuse she gives me that ‘are you ok?’ look and I have to tell her yes I’m fine and I might as well be telling her no I’m not cause she’ll still carry on giving me the look. She’s only looking out for me, I know that, but this whole thing can get a bit much sometimes. The last one of these events I went to was 2 weeks ago. It was my nephew’s birthday, so I sort of had to go. I enjoyed myself though, so hopefully I’ll enjoy this one. I think my sisters trying to find me a woman. I’ve noticed there’s always a lot of single women at these places. So when I walk into the house and see just two guys in among around 10 women I’m not surprised. My sister greets me at the door and gives me a hug, then she takes my coat and tells me she’s really glad I could make it. I shrug and tell her it’s fine, I like these events.

‘Mark!’ shouts David, my sister’s husband, ‘Over here mate!’
David hands me a beer, non-alcoholic kind. Looks like another no alcohol party.
‘I was just telling Geoff about your little disaster the other night,’ David Giggles.
‘Ah do we have to talk about that?’ I moan.
‘Oh come on mate, it was funny stuff!’ David is still laughing.
I figure I can’t get out of it so I’ve got no choice but to tell the story. I don’t even know Geoff that well! I’ve only met the guy once. Yet I have to stand here and tell him how I ended up screaming my head off in the middle The Swan pub. I had this hole in my pocket, it’s not even a funny story I can’t believe David is telling someone about this. There was this hole and I had my money in my pocket and basically I didn’t know I had a hole so the money was escaping down it and as it went down my leg it felt like a spider, honestly, it was horrible. So it happened once and I was like ‘what the hell was that?’ so I start to slap my leg, trying to crush whatever’s inside it and then this other thing goes scurrying down the other side of my leg. So I thought there was like an army of spiders in my pants so I started slapping like crazy and by this point I was terrified, I’ve always had a fear of spiders ever since I was little so this was basically my worst nightmare. Anyways by chance, a coin then must have rolled into my shoe and I screamed my head off and kicked my shoe off. It basically flew across the room and by this point everyone in the whole pub was just looking at me. A coin fell out at the bottom of my pants and I put my hands in my pocket and realised what had happened. Everyone started laughing and I had to go collect my shoe and get the rest of my money out of my pants. I told you it wasn’t funny, even Geoff doesn’t find it that funny, he’s just smiling politely whilst David is literally soiling himself with laughter. David’s like that sometimes.
‘Ah classic!’ says David. ‘You don’t half crack me up sometimes Mark.’
‘I’m glad I make you laugh David,’ I say.
I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn round to see my sister, she’s come to rescue me. She asks me if I’ve eaten and I say no so she takes me into the kitchen and points towards the buffet. The sausage rolls look good so I grab a few.
‘So how’s life?’ she asks.
‘It’s good Katie. I’ve had a good week y’know.’
‘Mark that’s brilliant!’ She seems really happy to hear that. ‘Listen there’s somebody I want you to meet. She’s from my work, she’s been looking forward to meeting you.’
‘Oh Katie,’ I moan ‘You know I hate it when you do this. I’ve told you I can find my own women, when I want, where I want, you don’t have to do this.’
‘Mark relax,’ she says as she touches my shoulder again. ‘She’s just really interested in meeting you, she’s not looking for marriage or anything. Come on, her names Rebecca.’

jack kerouac;

Part 1: When the sun came out red through the clouds of my last valley afternoon, Terry led me to Farmer Heffelfinger's barn. Farmer Heffelfinger had a prosperous farm up the road. We put crates together, she brought blankets from the house, and I was all set except for a great hairy tarantula that lurked at the pinpoint top of the barn roof. Terry said it wouldn't harm me if I didn't bother it. I lay on my back and stared at it.

Part 2: 'Oh, we fight all the time. He wants me to go to work tomorrow. He says he don't want me foolin around. Sallie, I want to go to New York with you.' 'But how?' 'I don't know, honey. I'll miss you. I love you.' 'But I have to leave.' 'Yes, yes. We lay down one more time, then you leave.' We went back to the barn; I made love to her under the tarantula. What was the tarantula doing? We slept awhile on the crates as the fire died. She went back at midnight; her father was drunk; I could hear him roaring; then there was silence as he fell asleep. The stars folded over the sleeping countryside.

17 more months;

approx. till I can pack up and get out of Winchester. I need to get away from this place big time. It's not that Winchester's a bad place. It's just I'm a little bored of the same. You only get one life, and this planet is there to be explored. Do it. Just finish the course first.