the reader;

ever buy a new book and then want to read it straight away? even though you've just started a different one. i started one flew over the cuckoo's nest, but then after 10-15 pages, had to go back to work. and then i couldnt read that night, and then on sunday i bought 'the reader' for like 30p from the car boot, and i was looking at it and realised i could read it in a day or two.

anyways i did, and i loved it! a really good read. i was a big fan of the film. still need to buy it on dvd. went to see it when it was out with alex emma and kirsty i think. this was when we had just signed the contract for fairfield road. anyways the film was great, if you havn't seen it, it is a must see! and before you watch it, try reading it! either way, the book is pretty short and very enjoyable. its actually probably better to watch first, as then you can picture that ralph fiennes, kate winslet, the young kid.. etc.

mentions quite a bit about james joyce's ulysses i think its spelt. so ill definately read that as soon as i get my hands on a copy. the question is, what to read next? still dont really feel like reading cuckoos nest, i dont know why. maybe i'll give life of pi a try!